[AD] A minor inconvinience (is it spelled right ?)

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Latest CVS version behaviour:      after copying  latest CVS tree  to
projects folder,  I run  fix.bat mingw32  and then make:

Compiling Allegro for MinGW32, optimised. Please wait...
gcc -DALLEGRO_SRC -Wall -Wno-unused -mcpu=pentium -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math
  -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -I. -I./include -o obj/mingw32/alleg
/poly3d.o -c src/poly3d.c
src/poly3d.c:32:35: obj/mingw32/asmcapa.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [obj/mingw32/alleg/poly3d.o] Error 1

then I tried  "make mmxtest"

output looks like it should  
(  echo #define ALLEGRO_MMX >> obj\mingw32\asmcapa.h )

but after that command,  there is still no  obj\mingw32\asmcapa.h file....

if I run  make obj/mingw32/asmcapa.h

file is properly created ...

any ideas ?

--------  begin command prompt output --------

D:\Projects\allegro>make mmxtest
gcc -DASMCAPA_MMX_TEST -assembler-with-cpp -c src/misc/asmcapa.s -o obj/mingw32/
echo #define ALLEGRO_MMX >> obj\mingw32\asmcapa.h

D:\Projects\allegro>cat obj\mingw32\asmcapa.h
cat: obj\mingw32\asmcapa.h: No such file or directory

--------  end command prompt output --------
Igor Gnip <gnipi@xxxxxxxxxx>

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