[AD] crash! (maybe) wip414 audio, msvc6, win2k |
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(possible false alarm)
crash !!!
win2k sp3, wip414, msvc6
possible false alarm, as this only occured once, and i was unable to repeat it.
on exit from my program, i got a crash in this libc function. ('-->'
indicates what MSVC debugger is pointing to).
102198E0 test edi,3
102198E6 jne CopyLeadUp (102198fc)
102198E8 shr ecx,2
102198EB and edx,3
102198EE cmp ecx,8
102198F1 jb CopyUnwindUp (1021991c)
--> 102198F3 rep movs dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
102198F5 jmp dword ptr [edx*4+10219A08h]
the code that called the above section is as follows...
(again, the '-->' at the start of line indicates what MSVC was showing me).
005AC4A8 ret
005AC4A9 push ebp
005AC4AA mov ebp,esp
005AC4AC sub esp,20h
005AC4AF call get_display_switch_mode (0055b99c)
005AC4B4 mov dword ptr [switch_mode],eax
005AC4B7 cmp dword ptr [prim_buf_paused (00c7e4e0)],0
005AC4BE je digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+56h (005ac4ff)
005AC4C0 cmp dword ptr [_app_foreground (00781710)],0
005AC4C7 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2Ch (005ac4d5)
005AC4C9 cmp dword ptr [switch_mode],3
005AC4CD je digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2Ch (005ac4d5)
005AC4CF cmp dword ptr [switch_mode],4
005AC4D3 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+4Fh (005ac4f8)
005AC4D5 mov dword ptr [prim_buf_paused (00c7e4e0)],0
005AC4DF push 1
005AC4E1 push 0
005AC4E3 push 0
005AC4E5 mov eax,[prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC4EA push eax
005AC4EB mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC4F1 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
005AC4F3 call dword ptr [edx+30h]
005AC4F6 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+54h (005ac4fd)
005AC4F8 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2BBh (005ac764)
005AC4FD jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+8Bh (005ac534)
005AC4FF cmp dword ptr [_app_foreground (00781710)],0
005AC506 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+8Bh (005ac534)
005AC508 cmp dword ptr [switch_mode],1
005AC50C je digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+6Bh (005ac514)
005AC50E cmp dword ptr [switch_mode],2
005AC512 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+8Bh (005ac534)
005AC514 mov dword ptr [prim_buf_paused (00c7e4e0)],0FFFFFFFFh
005AC51E mov eax,[prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC523 push eax
005AC524 mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC52A mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
005AC52C call dword ptr [edx+48h]
005AC52F jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2BBh (005ac764)
005AC534 lea eax,[dwBytes1]
005AC537 push eax
005AC538 mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC53E push ecx
005AC53F mov edx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC545 mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
005AC547 call dword ptr [eax+24h]
005AC54A mov dword ptr [hr],eax
005AC54D cmp dword ptr [dwBytes1],2
005AC551 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+0ECh (005ac595)
005AC553 mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC559 push ecx
005AC55A mov edx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC560 mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
005AC562 call dword ptr [eax+50h]
005AC565 push 1
005AC567 push 0
005AC569 push 0
005AC56B mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC571 push ecx
005AC572 mov edx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC578 mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
005AC57A call dword ptr [eax+30h]
005AC57D mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf_vol (00c7e020)]
005AC583 push ecx
005AC584 mov edx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC58A push edx
005AC58B mov eax,[prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC590 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax]
005AC592 call dword ptr [ecx+3Ch]
005AC595 lea edx,[writecurs]
005AC598 push edx
005AC599 push 0
005AC59B mov eax,[prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC5A0 push eax
005AC5A1 mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC5A7 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx]
005AC5A9 call dword ptr [edx+10h]
005AC5AC mov dword ptr [hr],eax
005AC5AF cmp dword ptr [hr],0
005AC5B3 jge digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+111h (005ac5ba)
005AC5B5 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2BBh (005ac764)
005AC5BA mov eax,[digidsbufsize (00c7e018)]
005AC5BF xor edx,edx
005AC5C1 div eax,dword ptr [bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC5C7 mov ecx,eax
005AC5C9 mov eax,dword ptr [writecurs]
005AC5CC xor edx,edx
005AC5CE div eax,ecx
005AC5D0 mov dword ptr [writecurs],eax
005AC5D3 mov edx,dword ptr [writecurs]
005AC5D6 add edx,8
005AC5D9 mov dword ptr [writecurs],edx
005AC5DC mov eax,[bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC5E1 sub eax,1
005AC5E4 cmp dword ptr [writecurs],eax
005AC5E7 jbe digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+14Eh (005ac5f7)
005AC5E9 mov ecx,dword ptr [writecurs]
005AC5EC sub ecx,dword ptr [bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC5F2 mov dword ptr [writecurs],ecx
005AC5F5 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+133h (005ac5dc)
005AC5F7 mov edx,dword ptr [writecurs]
005AC5FA cmp edx,dword ptr [digidsbufpos (00c7e468)]
005AC600 jne digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+15Eh (005ac607)
005AC602 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2BBh (005ac764)
005AC607 push 3
005AC609 lea eax,[dwBytes2]
005AC60C push eax
005AC60D lea ecx,[lpvPtr2]
005AC610 push ecx
005AC611 lea edx,[dwBytes1]
005AC614 push edx
005AC615 lea eax,[lpvPtr1]
005AC618 push eax
005AC619 push 0
005AC61B push 0
005AC61D mov ecx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC623 push ecx
005AC624 mov edx,dword ptr [prim_buf (00c7e4dc)]
005AC62A mov eax,dword ptr [edx]
005AC62C call dword ptr [eax+2Ch]
005AC62F mov dword ptr [hr],eax
005AC632 cmp dword ptr [hr],0
005AC636 jge digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+194h (005ac63d)
005AC638 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+2BBh (005ac764)
005AC63D mov ecx,dword ptr [writecurs]
005AC640 cmp ecx,dword ptr [digidsbufpos (00c7e468)]
005AC646 je digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+29Ah (005ac743)
005AC64C cmp dword ptr [lpvPtr2],0
005AC650 je digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+1FBh (005ac6a4)
005AC652 mov eax,dword ptr [dwBytes1]
005AC655 add eax,dword ptr [dwBytes2]
005AC658 xor edx,edx
005AC65A div eax,dword ptr [bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC660 push eax
005AC661 mov eax,dword ptr [dwBytes1]
005AC664 add eax,dword ptr [dwBytes2]
005AC667 xor edx,edx
005AC669 div eax,dword ptr [bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC66F imul eax,dword ptr [digidsbufpos (00c7e468)]
005AC676 mov edx,dword ptr [digidsbufdata (00c7e014)]
005AC67C add edx,eax
005AC67E push edx
005AC67F mov eax,dword ptr [dwBytes1]
005AC682 add eax,dword ptr [dwBytes2]
005AC685 xor edx,edx
005AC687 div eax,dword ptr [bufdivs (00783c0c)]
005AC68D imul eax,dword ptr [digidsbufpos (00c7e468)]
005AC694 mov ecx,dword ptr [lpvPtr2]
005AC697 add ecx,eax
005AC699 push ecx
--> 005AC69A call memcpy (005d8e26)
005AC69F add esp,0Ch
005AC6A2 jmp digi_dsoundmix_mixer_callback+242h (005ac6eb)
005AC6A4 mov eax,dword ptr [dwBytes1]
005AC6A7 xor edx,edx