[AD] config files and dynamic libs

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Making a dll from only the file foo.c below, and
an executable using that dll from the main.c
works fine (allegro.cfg in the directory of
the executable is updated). If I move
'allegro_init' from main to the beginning of
function foo it will no longer work (no
update of the same allegro.cfg). - Yes I have
rebuilt the lib and dll and installed the dll 
into the windows directory.
If I use static linking it works fine.
I have only tested with mingw32. I use use 
2.95-3, and Allegro wip from oct 08.

file main.c:
#include <allegro.h>
void foo(void);
void bar(void) { set_config_int("bar", "bar", 42);}
int main(void)
   return 0;

file foo.c:
#include <allegro.h>
void foo(void) { set_config_int("foo", "foo", 42);}


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