[AD] [WIN] Fix for the blank screen problem under WinXP

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The attached patch fixes the blank screen problem under WinXP. Windows
silently repainted the background of the window in black under WinXP,
although we are in exclusive fullscreen mode.

Special thanks to Javier Gonzalez who came up with the critical idea (to
intercept the WM_ERASEBKGND message) and spent many hours yesterday testing
the fix.

It's the second time we were tracking a major bug which occured on Win NT
kernels but not on Win 9x kernels (remember the Win2k keyboard bug). They
are really different operating systems with the same name.

I plan to release the 4.1.4 WIP at the end of the week (the deadline for CVS
commits is Friday 20:00 UTC) and then start to backport stuff to the 4.0.x
branch. It would be nice to have a 4.0.3 beta out for the end of the month.

The overlay driver will be temporarily broken (nothing serious though)
because of this patch.


Eric Botcazou

Attachment: blank_screen_bug.diff
Description: Binary data

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