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(Yes, i'm back ¹ :)
I have problems using mouse in Allegro when in linux console...
· in linux console gpm works, and acts as repeater. i can chose which
protocol it repeats;
· X11 reads gpm repeater, and works. If gpm repeats imps2 protocol,
everything is fine, instead if gpm repeats msc (MouseSystems) protocol,
scroller doesn't work anymore (and that's bad);
· Allegro under console (under X works fine) must read from gpm
repeater, BUT wants msc protocol;
So i can imagine 2 possible solutions:
1 · gpm produces 2 fifo: 1 with imps2 protocol, the other with msc.
But gpm can't do this right now, AFAIK.
2 · Allegro reads and understands imps2 protocol from gpm repeater.
Actually Allegro can understand imps2 protocol, directly from psaux.
Actually Allegro can read from gpmdata, with msc protocol.
Do you think it would be difficult to modify it so that it can read from
gpm repeater using imps2 protocol?
And do you think it would work?
¹ And looks like i've some problems with mails... sorry if this message
arrives twice!
"In the streets on Halloween / The spirits will arise
Make your choice, it's hell or paradise"
- Helloween - Halloween
. /\ °
Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone <* >
Web: digilander.iol.it/lano666 \/ ·