[AD] win2k problems (!)

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Right guys, not sure if you have heard of this, or if i'm just being dumb
(heh) or if it's win2k's fault, or whatever, but here goes.

I have developed an app, using mingw/allegro 4.x

Works fine in win98, winxp, etc.

However, on some win2k machines, I get an interesting "feature":

Black screen (as if no screen updates occur), but all gamecode runs fine.
This even happens on the allegro example programs!

There are 2 ways to get it to "update", both involving using windowed mode:

1: hold mouse down over window
2: move window so that it is "under" another window (or the taskbar)

Each of these results in some activity, however, obviously not a good
solution.  This problem has now appeared on 3 different machines, and just
to throw another spanner in the works, it works on my win2k machine at home!

Sorry if its OT, or whatever, but i'm pulling hair out here and deadlines
are approaching fast :(


Mike Green
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