Re: [AD] Mascot

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On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 19:48, Jason Winnebeck wrote:
> Hmm I thought we could have Alex the Allegator (or is that someone else) 
> for an Allegro logo..
> Maybe I forget, was that for a game?  I thought someone made an allegator.

Johan Peitz made it, and it's already included with Allegro for some
time (look at misc/alex.xpm).

> Anyways I think the Allegro mascot should be an allegator whether it's 
> Alex or someone completely different ;).  Maybe Allegro the Allegator or 
> just Al the Allegator.

Personally, I also like an Allegator more :) Alex can be seen already on
this site for example:

Elias Pschernig

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