[AD] sample type list

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Title: sample type list

The first patch adds the ability to register sample types
at runtime. It's copied from the BITMAP type code. I was
itching to use templates and STL function objects for this
one, as all the code is really the same as for BITMAPs.
Strangely enough, it worked first time. There must be
something to say for cut and paste coding, then :)

The second one adds Annie's email address, and mangles
mine (I'm getting more and more spam at this address, and
the thanks._tx file can be found on the web).


Vincent Penquerc'h


Attachment: sample.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: thanks.diff
Description: Binary data

Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.19+ http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/