RE: [AD] sincos

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Title: RE: [AD] sincos

> In light of (excerpt from grabber.txt):
> "The properties "HNAM", "HPRE", "XGRD", "YGRD", "BACK",
> "DITH" and "PACK",
> are also used internally by the grabber, but you can use
> whatever other ID's
> you like to store custom information about your objects."
> and:
> --- allegro-3.9.34/tools/datedit.h Wed Jan 24 06:15:06 2001
> +++ allegro34.v2/tools/datedit.h Sat Mar 17 11:43:29 2001
> @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
>  #define DAT_XSIZ  DAT_ID('X','S','I','Z')
>  #define DAT_YSIZ  DAT_ID('Y','S','I','Z')
>  #define DAT_PACK  DAT_ID('P','A','C','K')
> +#define DAT_SORT  DAT_ID('S','O','R','T')
>  #define DAT_HNAM  DAT_ID('H','N','A','M')
>  #define DAT_HPRE  DAT_ID('H','P','R','E')
>  #define DAT_BACK  DAT_ID('B','A','C','K')
> Isn't that enough to break any datafile that already defines
> a SORT property
> (disclaimer: I'm not a specialist at all of these datafiles) ?

No, because that SORT property is not added to user objects,
only to the grabber "GrabberInfo" internal object, of which
there is one per datafile saved by the grabber.
That said, the wording of the excerpt you gave is having me
doubt a bit, as stuff like BACK or PACK should be put only
in this particular "GrabberInfo" object, so they should not
be interfering with user objects either.
Try creating a datafile, with an object in it, and give it
the property BACK, set to 0, then setup the grabber to use
backups, then save the datafile, quit, rerun grabber, load
the datafile back, and check the BACK property and whether
the grabber is setup to backup or not. If both didn't change,
then it's probably safe, and the wording is misleading.
If it changed, then I guess it means the sort change would
break it :)

Vincent Penquerc'h

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