RE: [AD] new API: sub-bitmaps and GUI?

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Title: RE: [AD] new API: sub-bitmaps and GUI?

> Will there be an easy way to change the position of a
> sub-bitmap relative
> to it's parent?

I think it should be a matter of recomputing the lines array and
the clipping values (as long as it does not grow, shrinking would
probably be OK). I submitted a patch a while ago to fix a problem
with sub-bitmaps with an original out of the parent bitmap (though
I was told it was not a bug as the doc mentionned it:)), so this
could go in at the same time, as a beefing up of the sub bitmap
code. It would be rather handy. I suppose you do the same as me,
that is, each widget has a sub bitmap of the main window on which
to draw to ?

Vincent Penquerc'h

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