[AD] Allegro 5 new graphic routines

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I posted up the new graphics API, which you can try out for yourself. Currently, it just falls back to using the regular Allegro 4.0 API. The code can progressivaly be brought back into the drivers as we go along.

Currently, only al_clear_to_color, al_line, al_blit and al_map_rgb are supported operations on bitmaps.

Video driver is set to AUTO (regardless of the parameter passed to al_create_disaply). Also, if the update mechanism fails to init, it does NOT fall back on any other - the program just hangs. I'll fix that later on.

Here's the code.

Just run gcc *.c -o test.exe -lalleg to compile.

The test program is at the bottom of graphics2.c.

- Robert J Ohannessian
"Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (my CS prof)

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