Re: R: R: R: [AD] Allegro 5 new config routines, alpha 1

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Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> > Why? This sounds like over-optimization to me. Hopefully
> > nobody is going
> > to access config variables very often? (At least that seems to be
> the
> Well, some would be accessed quite often if the following were
> to become true:

OK, I read the appropriate part of . My problem now
is that I don't understand why on earth we would want to do it that way
:-) It mentions things like

    if (al_get_int("gfx/capabilities") & AL_GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER) {


    if (al_get_bool(AL_KEY_SPACE)) {

I presume this means that some config variables are in a config file on
disk, while others (like these) only exist in memory? Why? How would you
distinguish them? What's wrong with 

    if (al_get_gfx_capabilities() & AL_GFX_CAN_TRIPLE_BUFFER) {


    if (al_key_down(AL_KEY_SPACE)) {

? I don't find any motivation for this in shawns_thoughts.txt...

Sven Sandberg    svsa1977@xxxxxxxxxx

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