[AD] _tx format compatiblity

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Can we keep the _tx format backwards compatible throughout 4.*,  please?
I use _tx in Dime, and would have to distribute two versions of the
documentation source otherwise (people may use different 4.* versions).
I attach a patch which reverts all features that I need without altering
the behavior for new _tx-files.

You now have to specify the flag -old-style to allow the old tags. Even
better for me would be if we always allow old style except with a flag,
say, -no-old-style or -deprecation, but I chose the conservative way in
order to enhance my chances to get it accepted :-) (makedoc from Allegro
4.0 fails when you pass -old-style, so I have to call makedoc twice from
my makefile, with and without this flag. This works but is kind of

Oh, and I also added -ignore-css command line flag so that I can disable
CSS without inserting @ignore_css in the code (that would not work with
old makedoc).

Of course, I don't mind if we break compatibility in 5.0.

Sven Sandberg    svsa1977@xxxxxxxxxx    home.student.uu.se/svsa1977

Attachment: makedoc-compatible.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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