Re: Fw: Re: [AD] messy allegro 5.0 stuff

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David A. Capello wrote:

You are right, but we can have two ways to make the input. The original
one (and the fast one), with:

  al_readkey(), al_keypressed(), al_key[AL_KEY_ENTER],
  al_mouse_x, al_mouse_y, al_mouse_b, al_joy etc.

And we can make a common function (al_get_input) that merges all button
input (note just "buttons"): like keyboard keys, mouse buttons, and joystick
buttons, but *not* the mouse movement and joystick movement (if this is
possible will be better).

Oh I see. Yes, this looks alright. I'm for functions too. But this doesn't address the need for input polling.


- Robert J Ohannessian
"Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (my CS prof)

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