Re: Problems with Reply-to with [AD]

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Hi everyone,

The person quoted below recently informed me that this mailing list is not 
configured to use a Reply-To: header that points to the mailing list.  
This is possible (as seen in the Allegro and AGP mailing lists) but was 
decided against by whoever set the options for the list ages ago.  I think 
it was George?

Anyway, I would be happy to change this, but I want to give other 
subscribers the opportunity to object first.  The question is: do you want 
a Reply-To: header that is always set to "conductors@xxxxxxxxxx"?

Other "proposed" headers are not possible because they are not supported 
by the mailing list software being used.  (IMail Server, see


Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono (_lano_@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> I always had a problem when replying to [AD] list, and i thought it was a problem with my mail program, so i mailed to the list of that, and i was told that it is a problem with the allegro ML manager instead...
> this is the problem, and below it there is the answer they gave me:
> {
> if i click "Reply to sender" is ok and the mail is replied to the sender;
> if i click "Reply to all" is ok and the mail is replied both to the sender and to the list and to eventual others recipients;
> if i click "Reply" it should reply *only* to the list but instead it replies only to the sender.
> }
> so the only way i can reply i have to reply to all (and the sender will receive 2 copies) or manually change the recipient... ok i've done it for months, but if it could be corrected it should be nice... :)
> answer they gave me:
> {
> They do not seem to use a known ML manager. Indeed, even Sylpheed-Claws would
> not recognize it as a ML message (Claws looks at X-Been-There and X-MailingList
> headers...). I would say, the problem is on the ML side. They should configure
> it to have at least a Reply-To: header (even if this one is not meant to be used
> by MLs), or better use the List-* standard.
> ML problems of replying the messages are purely ML manager problems. There are (proposed) standard headers (List-Post, List-Help, List-Archive etc) that should be used. (Claws supports X-BeenThere and X-MailingList but not List-Post (yet)).
> }
> --
> "If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
>             ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does."
> _.-:/0^^0\:-._.-:/0^^0\:-._          __.         ____
>  - Lo'oRiS il Kabukimono -          / /|       /^___ \
> Real Name: Lorenzo Petrone         / / /      / /L_/ /
> e-mail: _lano_@xxxxxxxxxx          / / /      /  ___-0/
> #lano            / /_/__    /  /|__-0
>       /______/|  /__/ /
> ^0\:-.__.-:/0^0\:-.__.-:/0^     |______|/  |__L/

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