Re: [AD] Renamed API third draft

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xaviergonz@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> What about al_do_circle
> al_do_floodfill and so? =)

I may have missed a vital reason here, but why not just


? I would think that adding a prefix (and the typing involved) is bad
enough, I personally don't like adding an extra prefix for categories
of functions. In my opinion, al_draw_circle and al_draw_line are just
as clear as al_circle and al_line. Converting these functions to
al_do_* definitely doesn't make sense, as it doesn't add any clarity
_and_ makes the function name longer than the original.

I'll re-read the discussion about the naming scheme, but this is one
point where I don't like the new suggested API.

Hein Zelle

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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