Re: [AD] Allegro 3.9.38 and gcc 3.0

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In reply to salvador <salvador@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>2) I don't agree with the concept of "debug" library used by the makefile.
>You can't use an optimized library and debug an unoptimized one. You'll be
>simply debugging another code. And in fact I experimented it while testing.

AIUI, the debug library is intended to be used to

a) find bugs in Allegro code
   (by calling functions correctly, and examining log messages, 
   tracebacks, assertions, and using gdb for example)

b) find bugs in user code
   (mainly by asserting that parameters are correct, and enabling the 
   use of a debugger)

It appears to fulfill these two criteria. I agree that, unless it is
compiled with the same optimisations as the normal library, the code
generated is different, but this is also to our advantage: we can tell
when the compiler is generating incorrect code due to its optimisations.

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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