[AD] Allegro 3.9.38 and DOS: bad mix |
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Hi All!
While compiling 3.9.38 with gcc 3.01 I verified the patches doesn't affect
gcc 2.81.
The code compiles OK, but I saw some examples crash. It could be something
in my system but I doubt it.
I experimented two nasty kind of problems:
1) ex3d and other 3D examples crashed (my W95 system is in bad state and the
crashes also crashed the OS ...). So I thinked it was some 3D stuff. But
cutting down the code I found that the initialization seems to be the
problem. To be more exact: it looks like the screen to select the video mode
is the problem. Apparently it corrupted the heap and the first free after it
produced a crash.
2) I started to test it under pure DOS and without write cashe (sick of
running scandisk ;-) and I experimented another nasty problem. In plain DOS
I didn't have a mouse driver installed and if I didn't explicitly call
remove_timer(), remove_mouse(), remove_keyboard() I got crashes in RMCB.
I didn't have enough time to investigate the exact source of each crash and
I don't know if I'll have time for it soon.
Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET). (Electronics Engineer)
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