Re: [AD] to prefix or not to prefix (sigh) |
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> - Replace '#' as separator between datafile name and object name, e.g.
> by '/' (or does that cause problems in some situation?).
What about the UNIX path seperator though?
> The problem with '#' is that few, if any, of Allegro's file functions work
> filenames that actually contain '#'. Maybe I'm the only person who has
> even noticed this though, in which case it probably doesn't matter...
Hmmmm... on a similar sort of note, I accidently called a file "ttsgm#.htm"
instead of "ttsgm.htm" a few weeks ago. It loaded fine in IE, but when
trying to load in Netscape, it failed because of the # (because that's used
for bookmarks). Anyway, personally, I think it should be kept as it is.
Owen Rudge
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