[AD] Header splitting proposal |
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I've split the massive allegro.h into components (now that was
relatively easy, as they were already organized). Here is the new
contents of allegro/include.
The zip file with all these files is nearly 100 KB, so I will send
it to whoever requests it, as I don't have a web space to put that
(My Valkin II web site is dead as xoom.com stopped hosting, and...
I couldn't be arsed to get another one :))
This is likely to not break anything, since there is no actual code
change, but it's a rather intrusive change though. It's made out of
3.9.39. It will have to be updated to include all the new stuff
that went in since then if it is deemed acceptable.
If anyone wants the zip to have a look at the inside, please mail
me privately.
$ unzip -v headers.zip
Archive: headers.zip
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 10-22-01 10:28 00000000 ALLEGRO/
2992 Defl:N 860 71% 10-21-01 17:16 ab32744e ALLEGRO/MOUSE.H
1753 Defl:N 688 61% 10-21-01 17:16 a110d218 ALLEGRO/BASE.H
2816 Defl:N 643 77% 10-21-01 17:16 00c2fa71 ALLEGRO/CONFIG.H
3121 Defl:N 890 72% 10-21-01 17:16 ea67970f ALLEGRO/DATAFILE.H
6874 Defl:N 1802 74% 10-21-01 17:16 f3234d95 ALLEGRO/FILE.H
725 Defl:N 276 62% 10-21-01 17:16 1b8a1b5f ALLEGRO/FIXED.H
2062 Defl:N 699 66% 10-21-01 17:16 f5eb1899 ALLEGRO/FLI.H
26905 Defl:N 5101 81% 10-21-01 17:16 7bce7499 ALLEGRO/GFX.H
8314 Defl:N 2161 74% 10-21-01 17:16 4e4fae4b ALLEGRO/GUI.H
3889 Defl:N 1129 71% 10-21-01 17:16 6f146fa8 ALLEGRO/JOYSTICK.H
6960 Defl:N 1686 76% 10-21-01 17:16 860408b8 ALLEGRO/KEYBOARD.H
278 Defl:N 183 34% 10-21-01 17:16 31a1e406 ALLEGRO/MACDEF.H
5324 Defl:N 1208 77% 10-21-01 17:16 46dc8575 ALLEGRO/MATHS.H
1862 Defl:N 634 66% 10-21-01 17:16 40ff1175 ALLEGRO/QUAT.H
4018 Defl:N 1102 73% 10-21-01 17:16 f9ce943d ALLEGRO/3D.H
12925 Defl:N 2837 78% 10-21-01 17:16 61e6b2d8 ALLEGRO/SOUND.H
2324 Defl:N 662 72% 10-21-01 17:16 c0df9bd2 ALLEGRO/TEXT.H
2952 Defl:N 774 74% 10-21-01 17:16 636932f1 ALLEGRO/TIMER.H
5142 Defl:N 1249 76% 10-21-01 17:16 66d9b758 ALLEGRO/UNICODE.H
4863 Defl:N 1326 73% 10-21-01 17:16 6c0872ee ALLEGRO/AINTBEOS.H
5002 Defl:N 1538 69% 10-21-01 17:16 d76d573a ALLEGRO/AINTDOS.H
57740 Defl:N 8547 85% 10-21-01 17:16 0f621bd5 ALLEGRO/AINTERN.H
7879 Defl:N 2355 70% 10-21-01 17:16 4ce62803 ALLEGRO/AINTLNX.H
2971 Defl:N 1043 65% 10-21-01 17:16 6469ccc6 ALLEGRO/AINTMAC.H
2767 Defl:N 904 67% 10-21-01 17:16 42a6213a ALLEGRO/AINTQNX.H
4241 Defl:N 1438 66% 10-21-01 17:16 7ba94ed9 ALLEGRO/AINTUNIX.H
2950 Defl:N 932 68% 10-21-01 17:16 cde81038 ALLEGRO/AINTVGA.H
5733 Defl:N 1534 73% 10-21-01 17:16 2e254a7f ALLEGRO/AINTWIN.H
9552 Defl:N 2197 77% 10-21-01 17:16 b4c0669f ALLEGRO/AL386GCC.H
4012 Defl:N 1132 72% 10-21-01 17:16 0aaeaee3 ALLEGRO/AL386VC.H
5574 Defl:N 1351 76% 10-21-01 17:16 9daa721c ALLEGRO/AL386WAT.H
2065 Defl:N 815 61% 10-21-01 17:16 8546b129 ALLEGRO/ALBCC32.H
1257 Defl:N 513 59% 10-21-01 17:16 2d5bc9bb ALLEGRO/ALBECFG.H
2690 Defl:N 744 72% 10-21-01 17:16 13205c30 ALLEGRO/ALBEOS.H
8229 Defl:N 2297 72% 10-21-01 17:16 e2dfa20f ALLEGRO/ALCONFIG.H
2859 Defl:N 1036 64% 10-21-01 17:16 19ceec34 ALLEGRO/ALDJGPP.H
13546 Defl:N 2621 81% 10-21-01 17:16 3eb30cee ALLEGRO/ALDOS.H
2493 Defl:N 757 70% 10-21-01 17:16 37151716 ALLEGRO/ALINLINE.H
2643 Defl:N 657 75% 10-21-01 17:16 5d3a2e45 ALLEGRO/ALMAC.H
2259 Defl:N 853 62% 10-21-01 17:16 9cd9445c ALLEGRO/ALMACCFG.H
2593 Defl:N 981 62% 10-21-01 17:16 68454411 ALLEGRO/ALMNGW32.H
2481 Defl:N 941 62% 10-21-01 17:16 89e6582f ALLEGRO/ALMSVC.H
47 Stored 47 0% 10-21-01 17:16 00262376 ALLEGRO/ALPLATF.H
1962 Defl:N 716 64% 10-21-01 17:16 7921cce9 ALLEGRO/ALQNX.H
1453 Defl:N 564 61% 10-21-01 17:16 fa389b7b ALLEGRO/ALQNXCFG.H
2224 Defl:N 848 62% 10-21-01 17:16 b4f1806d ALLEGRO/ALRSXNT.H
1214 Defl:N 458 62% 10-21-01 17:16 91069292 ALLEGRO/ALSCANEX.H
1814 Defl:N 669 63% 10-21-01 17:16 968bfd7d ALLEGRO/ALUCFG.H
6953 Defl:N 1733 75% 10-21-01 17:16 b91cc3cf ALLEGRO/ALUNIX.H
5509 Defl:N 1484 73% 10-21-01 17:16 423863e3 ALLEGRO/ALUNIXAC.H
5410 Defl:N 1811 67% 10-21-01 17:16 2d424dfa ALLEGRO/ALWATCOM.H
5980 Defl:N 1276 79% 10-21-01 17:16 4df2d02f ALLEGRO/ALWIN.H
17197 Defl:N 2085 88% 10-21-01 21:31 e14d8964 ALLEGRO/FIX.H
1352 Defl:N 451 67% 10-21-01 17:16 ff30e870 ALLEGRO/IFILE.H
13935 Defl:N 2322 83% 10-21-01 17:16 9a9a00a4 ALLEGRO/IGFX.H
1216 Defl:N 492 60% 10-21-01 17:16 cd4f1a14 ALLEGRO/IGUI.H
2211 Defl:N 545 75% 10-21-01 17:16 be1a5456 ALLEGRO/IJOY.H
682 Defl:N 270 60% 10-21-01 17:16 fb61ffa6 ALLEGRO/IKBD.H
4935 Defl:N 1351 73% 10-21-01 17:16 9948b3f1 ALLEGRO/IMATHS.H
10387 Defl:N 2127 80% 10-21-01 17:16 f4dad0fd ALLEGRO/RSXDLL.H
6547 Defl:N 1893 71% 10-21-01 17:17 7eabebc4 ALLEGRO.H
-------- ------- --- -------
348663 82238 76% 62 files
Vincent Penquerc'h
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