Re: [AD] fix.bat patch

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Peter Wang wrote:
> On 25 Oct 2001, Sven Sandberg <svsa1977@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Here's a patch for fix.bat.
> Please update it to the current fix.bat in CVS.

OK, done. Bob had already fixed some things, but I also found some new
things to improve: I'm a bit nervous about setting so many environment
variables, so I removed two of them (AL_COMPILER and AL_NOCONVERT could
easily be worked around without significantly increasing code
complexity). The patch also gives help messages for more types of
invalid arguments (namely all types), and clears the environment
variables in all cases.

Since the current file is in that weird CR/CR/LF format again (or is it
LF/LF/CR? I don't remember), I attach the whole file because I suspect a
patch won't change the line ending format.


Attachment: fix.bat
Description: application/unknown-content-type-batfile

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