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How to make which a dialog get a click that don't is pushed
above this dialog? Easy! We can use the MSG_IDLE, because the
GUI handler send a MSG_IDLE to all object if the click not is
pressed above some dialog. But, if some dialog return D_CLOSE
in this MSG_IDLE, the answer not is fast, and you need to push
the mouse button some time to wait the next loop in the GUI
This patch fix the problem.
David A. Capello
Index: gui.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/src/gui.c,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 gui.c
--- gui.c 2001/10/23 12:34:35 1.35
+++ gui.c 2001/10/27 03:21:43
@@ -914,9 +914,9 @@
player->click_wait = TRUE;
- dialog_message(player->dialog, MSG_IDLE, 0, &nowhere);
+ player->res |= dialog_message(player->dialog, MSG_IDLE, 0, &nowhere);
- /* goto getout; */
+ goto getout;
/* deal with mouse wheel clicks */