RE: [AD] sin, cos, sincos

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Title: RE: [AD] sin, cos, sincos

> On 22 Oct 2001, Vincent Penquerc'h
> <Vincent.Penquerch@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > +   sincos(&cosine, &sine, value);
> According to info libc (under Linux), sincos is declared like this:
>    void sincos (double X, double *SINX, double *COSX);
> Under djgpp it appears to be different.  Which one is "right"?

I saw that, and I thought there were actually different. I assume the
DJGPP one worked fine, since it was already in Allegro. The example
programs ran fine with my patch (exstars, exquat, excamera, exscn3d),
unless I used an old version of Allegro by mistake :)
I'll check the source, since it's an inline asm function. I know
Intel syntax, so reading AT&T should not be too hard.

Vincent Penquerc'h

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