Re: [AD] Proposal for a set_icon function

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In reply to Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>IMO, a more interesting (and useful) thing that `ufixicon' could do
>is to convert a bitmap into a C code representation (like xpm, but
>simpler) and generate a function that sets the window's icon.  The
>two things would appear in one file, and get linked by the user.
>Or we could supply a xwin_set_icon(BITMAP *) function.  Unlike other
>systems, you _have to_ set the icon at runtime (that's the excuse).
>There is no required icon format on disk, so we don't need the xpm
>converter in this case either.

Extending that idea somewhat, make install_allegro() (or set_gfx_mode();
choose whichever point makes sense) call some function (such as
`_allegro_set_xwin_icon()'. This function would be a weak symbol in the
Allegro shared library, which does nothing. `ufixicon' would provide an
object file containing the function and the graphic.

Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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