Re: [AD] Color convertors

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>The 8->8 color convertor seems weird to me: it doesn't use the internal
>8-bit palette (_colorconv_indexed_palette) but only an external 8->8 map it
>is up to the gfx driver to provide. Is that normal ? Because each time
>you change the Allegro palette, you need to calculate again the 8->8 map.

That was kindly made by Bob to accomodate the BeOS needs =)
Under BeOS in 8bit desktop mode you can't change the palette: you have a 
global system palette only, and you have to live with it. This means that an 
Allegro palette needs to fit into this system one, so a conversion is still 
needed. So yes, the driver needs to update the LUT everytime the Allegro 
palette changes...

Anyway cool, it looks like you're really quickly redoing the routines, thanks 
a lot! The BeOS port would have been broken in the upcoming new WIP without 

Angelo Mottola

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