[AD] Error with Watcom port |
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I tried to compile the Watcom C/C++ port of Allegro (WIP 3.9.38) today, but
got the following error:
wcl386 -w1 -zq -fr=nul -bt=dos4g -5s -s -I. -I.\\include -fo=obj\\watcom\\as
mdef.obj -fe=obj\\watcom\\asmdef.exe src\\i386\\asmdef.c
Warning(1028): clear_bitmap is an undefined reference
file obj\watcom\asmdef.obj(C:\WATCOM\allegro\src\i386\asmdef.c): undefined
symbol clear_bitmap
Error: Linker returned a bad status
make.exe: *** [obj/watcom/asmdef.exe] Error 1
Now, I can't find any reference to clear() or clear_bitmap() in asmdef.c.
Everything was fine until now. What's going on?
BTW, I compiled the DJGPP, MingW32 and MSVC7 versions and they are all fine.
Owen Rudge
MSN Messenger: orudge@xxxxxxxxxx
ICQ: 125455765