Re: [AD] namespace collision

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On Thursday 09 August 2001 05:40, you wrote:
> At 21:08 8/08/01 -0600, Tom Fjellstrom wrote:
> >Im not sure if anyone has realized this or not but
> >shouldn't 'clear()' be 'clear_bitmap()'? Just to make
> >it more in line with the rest of the api?
> Yes, of course! I never thought about it, but now that you mention it,
> clear() in itself doesn't really mean anything.
> >Sure this might break some things but thats
> >what #defines are for.
> I disagree here. It breaks backward compatibilty, but not badly. I'd say:
> make a note saying that the function was renamed and tell people to update
> their code. The API also changed slightly when arguements to functions were
> declared `const' where they previously were not. I'd look at this as a bug
> fix.

How about issuing a warning when ever someone uses clear
and in the next wip or two remove clear? Just so people
get migrated off of it easily? We'll probably get less
complaints that way and less phony bug reports.
(I mean who atually reads the docs before making a bug
report anyhow? j/k)

Tom Fjellstrom

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