[AD] Patch for AllegroGL

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Here's a patch that will inhibit color conversion when blitting from a video bitmap to another video bitmap. This should have no affect in Allegro, since video bitmaps are of the same color depth as the screen. However, in AllegroGL that is not the case. Video bitmaps are implemented as textures, and are in 24 or 32 bpp. The screen (framebuffer) can be in any other format.

- Robert J Ohannessian
"Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (my CS prof)
--- /home/allegro/src/blit.c	Wed Jun 27 15:17:22 2001
+++ src/blit.c	Wed Jul 25 17:36:42 2001
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
-   if (src->vtable->color_depth != dest->vtable->color_depth) {
+   if (!(is_video_bitmap(dest) && is_video_bitmap(src)) && src->vtable->color_depth != dest->vtable->color_depth) {
       /* need to do a color conversion */
       blit_between_formats(src, dest, s_x, s_y, d_x, d_y, w, h);

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