[AD] Thought I'd better ask first.

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I want to cut down on the number of exports in allegro. This is because it's 
inconvenient to have a export definition file set in stone, when non-api 
contents may very well change. (see previous mail about ALLEGRO_USE_C).

So... do you mind if I define two new macros for declaring API stuff, and use 
the old ones for other functions and variables? This way we can easily 
separate out everything that needs to be exported.

AL_API_FUNC - for functions that are a part of the allegro api.
AL_API_VAR - for variables that are a part of the allegro api.
AL_FUNC - for misc. functions. (useful for defining nonstandard prefixes)
AL_VAR - for misc. variables. (?)

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
E-mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx  Homepage: http://hstokset.n3.net
"Linux is keyboard friendly. I don't smash it like I used to with Windows."

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