[AD] sed -e "s/rm/del/" < fixdll.bat

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On Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 03:15:08PM +0200, Javier Gonz?lez wrote
(to the Allegro mailing list):
> I must say I'm agree changing fixdll.bat rm commands to del

OK, it's little a bit more complicated than my Subject: line
implies, but here's a patch.  I have not tested it though; the
annoying bit to test is the change to zipup.sh, which is
necessary for parsing the file in Unix.  Running zipup.sh scares
me a bit though, because it converts all the files backwards and
forwards between Unix and DOS text formats, which makes the next
CVS operation go really slowly.  It also cleans the build tree,
which I don't want to do at the moment.

I've checked and double-checked that this simple change won't
have any bad consequences, though, so hopefully everything will
be OK.  I guess we won't really know until the next WIP is


Random project update:
22/06/2000: AllegroGL documentation:  http://allegrogl.sourceforge.net/
        See under `Documentation' for the AllegroGL Reference Manual in
        various formats.

diff -urN old/fixdll.bat new/fixdll.bat
--- old/fixdll.bat	Sat Apr 14 15:53:01 2001
+++ new/fixdll.bat	Sat Apr 14 15:54:25 2001
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
 echo /* generated by fixdll.bat for RSXNT */ > include\allegro\rsxdll.h
 sed -n -e "s/^alldll[vf][ap][rt] *\**\(.*\)_dll.*/#define \1 (*\1)/p" _expdef.tmp >> include\allegro\rsxdll.h
-rm _expdef.tmp _expdef1.tmp _expdef2.tmp _expdef3.tmp _all.def
+del _expdef.tmp
+del _expdef1.tmp
+del _expdef2.tmp
+del _expdef3.tmp
+del _all.def
 echo Done!
diff -urN old/misc/zipup.sh new/misc/zipup.sh
--- old/misc/zipup.sh	Sat Apr 14 15:53:12 2001
+++ new/misc/zipup.sh	Sat Apr 14 15:55:35 2001
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
        -e "/^rem/d" \
        -e "s/^echo \([^>]*\)\(.*\)/echo \"\1\"\2/; s/ \">/\" >/" \
        -e "s/^copy/cp/; s/ > nul//" \
+       -e "s/^del/rm -f/" \
        -e "s/^\([^\"]*\)\\\\/\1\//g; s/^\([^\"]*\)\\\\/\1\//g; s/^\([^\"]*\)\\\\/\1\//g" \
        -e "s/\\\\\([^\"]*\)$/\/\1/g; s/\\\\\([^\"]*\)$/\/\1/g; s/\\\\\([^\"]*\)$/\/\1/g" \
        -e "s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/g" \

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