Re: [AD] On the X11 Video Switching Patch

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Benjamin Joel Stover <stovertech@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I haven't had a problem with it personally, but I need to look at your 
> rewrite.  I feel bad about it being so messy now, but at least I got it 
> started.  What video card are you using?

NeoMagic somethingorrather.  It's the SVGA server from XFree86 3.3.6.

> It would be wise to check out the 
> SDL code to see some of the hacks they did that I didn't implement.

I did, a little.  Don't want to do that too much though :-)

> I don't have the time to take over right now, unfortunately.  I wish the 
> XWarpPointer hack would work, but alas, heheh.  SDL has an option that 
> removes all the borders with cases for several window managers.

I set `override_redirect' for the window, which seems to work with
all the window managers I have tried (twm, pwm, ion, Sawfish, Window
Maker, Afterstep).

>                               Also, try switching your desktop (ie in Gnome 
> or KDE) while an Allegro program is running.  When you go back to the desktop 
> with the Allegro app, the mouse isn't grabbed and such.  Unless of course you 
> fixed that (haven't got the CVS yet).

I haven't put it into CVS yet.  I'll see about the workspace

>            Again, Peter, I'm ashamed of my initial code writing (I wasn't 
> familiar with Allegro or Xlib at all), and I intended to rewrite it, 
> know how it goes, heh.

Hey, I wrote the original video mode switching stuff without any X
experience at all.  Half of the rewrite was cleaning up after myself :-)

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