Re: [AD] preliminary ALLEGRO_USE_C fixup

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> i'm wondering if we need > to export *all* functions or if we just have to
export those >functions who must be call-able from outside the DLL. if so,
that would solve these
> problems.

According to Microsoft Platform SDK:

In Microsoft® Windows®, dynamic-link libraries (DLL) are modules that
contain functions and data. A DLL is loaded at runtime by its calling
modules (.EXE or DLL). When a DLL is loaded, it is mapped into the address
space of the calling process.

(* This is the interesting part *)
DLLs can define two kinds of functions: exported and internal. The exported
functions can be called by other modules. Internal functions can only be
called from within the DLL where they are defined. Although DLLs can export
data, its data is usually only used by its functions.
DLLs provide a way to modularize applications so that functionality can be
updated and reused more easilly. They also help reduce memory overhead when
several applications use the same functionality at the same time, because
although each application gets its own copy of the data, they can share the

The Microsoft® Win32® application programming interface (API) is implemented
as a set of dynamic-link libraries, so any process using the Win32 API uses
dynamic linking.

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