RE: [AD] Remove the P3D code please!

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> So what?  I am reporting that the P3D merge was a mistake and I am
> suggesting to either improve it or remove it.

if this code is slow/buggy, it needs to be improved/fixed, and this takes
time. remeber that what you are using is called *WIP*. if you don't like
experimental code, use 3.12. it is useless and rude to tell people to remove
work that you think "sucks" just after it was integrated, as such a thing is
likely to be less than optimal for a time, until both code bases are merged
in any case, i'm surprised that P3D is flagged as slow. I thought one of the
major reasons to merge it was its speed compared to Allegro's routines ...
i haven't tried any of those, so i can't comment, but i bet you should wait
a bit before judging this code. after all, you wouldn't like us to judge the
final version of your 3D lib at its first release, right ? :)

> As a side-whine... you <the conductors> were quick to add P3D but not
> my libs... oh well :-(

take a step back and look at what you want to include, with the eyes of
people: you have a (maybe nice and fast) custom image codec: who will use it
instead of other standard formats ? you have a 3D library in the works: do
know the number of people who have a 3D library in the works ? Do you know
number of people who have a *finished* 3D library ?

I know I have made some stupid suggestions for addition in the past, and in
retrospect I'm now glad they were not included.
Now, maybe your 3D library will grow very cool, and maybe Allegro will have
interest in merging it (if you still want at the time), and maybe not. For
the moment, it seems not.
A better way to help would be to try to improve little bits of code already
in Allegro, with your versions if they are better. You'll have *much* more
chance to contribute this way.

HTH :)


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