Re: [AD] New BeOS patch + problem with multi-line strings in config

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On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Angelo Mottola wrote:

> About this message: I've added an ALLEGRO_WINDOW_CLOSE_MESSAGE that
> #defines it to allegro.h to avoid message typing errors, so other
> ports can use this.

That's nice. You even call get_config_string() on it. But you don't call
it on "Yes" and "No" button names. But there is bigger problem, that there
is no way how to write multi-line in language definition file (or I'm not
able to find it). Reading of line from config (and language definition)
files is handled via get_line() in config.c. What about adding of
something like converting "escape" sequences ('\n', '\r', ... or even '\'
on end-of-line ('\<eol>')). Is it wanted feature? It could be good,
especially with '\<eol>' sequence, but it would break backward
compatibility. There could be also some problems if anyone is finding
lines by brutal search for new line character, but I did not find it in
config.c. destroy_config() should be rewritten to store values with
escaping those characters. What do you think?

And I almost forgot: Would not it be good to have language.dat and
keyboard.dat unpacked in some CVS directory like resources/language and
resources/keyboard (to be able to diff them like any other file) and have
some script to update theirs *.dat after each commit (or before
releasing a WIP)?

Just my thoughts :-)

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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