Re: [AD] Allegro x86 clear and blit optimizations - update |
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Subject: Re: [AD] Allegro x86 clear and blit optimizations - update
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:21:30 -0500
From: Bob <ohannessian@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Esaelon@xxxxxxxxxx
References: <75.10901388.27c4f259@xxxxxxxxxx>
Ok, here are my test results:
Test system:
CPU: Pentium 3, 800MHz EB, 133MHz FSB
Mobo: Soyo 7VCA VIA @ 133MHz
RAM: 64MB, 100MHz, cas3
Video: Asus V3900 TNT2 + TV in/out, AGP 2X
OS: Windows 95
Compiler: DJGPP (gcc -v = 2.95.2)
Compilation command:
make I686ONLY=1
Resolution: Test: 1 2 3 4 Imp Imp2
640x480x8 sc->sc 3715 3700 3729 3749.5 0.37% 1.33%
sc->sc(al) 3703 3734 3746.5 3726.5 1.17% -0.21%
mem->sc 29560 29527.5 29470 29551 -0.31% 0.07%
mem->sc(al) 31147.5 31092 30751 31204.5 -1.28% 0.36%
masked 31713 31670.5 31707 31524 -0.02% -0.47%
clear 25107 14078 29357 15983 16.92% 13.53%
640x480x16 sc->sc 2637.5 1872 2639.5 1866.5 0.07% -0.30%
sc->sc(al) 2654.5 1874.5 2663 1873 0.32% -0.09%
mem->sc 15983 15907 16097 16004 0.71% 0.60%
mem->sc(al) 16707.5 16780 16891 16895 1.09% 0.68%
masked 21178 21106 21333.5 21608 0.73% 2.37%
clear 13813 10558.5 13830 10244 0.12% -2.98%
640x480x32 sc->sc N/A 961.5 N/A 961.5 N/A 0.00%
sc->sc(al) N/A 1029 N/A 1032.5 N/A 0.34%
mem->sc N/A 8379 N/A 8323.5 N/A -0.67%
mem->sc(al) N/A 8524.5 N/A 8522.5 N/A -0.03%
masked N/A 13189 N/A 13116.5 N/A -0.55%
clear N/A 3771 N/A 3525.5 -6.52%
Test1: old code (MMX)
Test2: old code (non-MMX)
Test3: blit patch (MMX)
Test4: blit patch (non-MMX)
Imp: Improvement over MMX
Imp2: Improvement over non-MMX
Note that 32bpp doesn't have MMX code.
Conclusions: There is virtually no improvement in the blit code. The
only winner is the 8bpp clear.
As always, YMMV.
- Robert J Ohannessian
"Microsoft code is probably O(n^20)" (My CS teacher)