RE: [AD] Another GFX_SAFE patch, now the demo (fwd)

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> Since this patch shows that it's not so easy to write games supporting
> every color depth, I think I'm going to write some functions which given a
> datafile convert all of it's BMP/RLE sprites to the actual color depth, so
> that you could do something like this in a program:
> 	set_gfx_mode(GFX_SAFE, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> 	data = load_datafile ("data.dat");
> 	convert_datafile_graphics (data, data[GAME_PAL].dat);

load_datafile will convert the bitmaps and rle sprites if you call
or something along those lines, before the call to load_datafile.
There might be a catch for 32 bit RGBA bitmaps, which should stay
the same regardless of the mode, or the alpha would be lost. Maybe
it already does this too, I don't know.


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