Re: [AD] todo/whishlist for 3.9.34

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>> Then create an allegro/unicode.h, #include this from allegro.h, and
>> ensure that none of the unicode routines use any of the other allegro
>> routines (ie. unicode.c won't cause any other files to be linked). Then
>> link with the Allegro lib, and only the code from unicode.c will be
>> linked with your app.
>AFAIK that doesn't happen an all platforms (ie. under Windows you have a
>single DLL, no matter how you separate the code, it includes everything).

A DLL is a shared library, so the linker doesn't really include any of the
code from the DLL in applications linked with it (that's rather the point of
a shared library).

When the application runs, the whole shared library is needed, but in
general the VM system will only actually load in those pages containing the
code for routines which are used.  At least that's how things work under
Unix - it seems likely that Windows VM system does the same.


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