[AD] fixdll.bat patch

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Hello, The attached patch fixes a bug in fixdll.bat that prevented
functions which were indented in .h files from being included in the
dll. (This actually only affected bmp_write24() which is normally
inlined so that could explain why no one has seen it.)
Merry Christmas,
--- fixdll.bat	Tue Dec 26 13:29:24 2000
+++ fixdll.bat	Tue Dec 26 13:39:34 2000
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 gcc -E -I. -I./include -dD -DSCAN_EXPORT -o _expdef.tmp src/inline.c
 echo ; generated by fixdll.bat > _all.def
 echo EXPORTS >> _all.def
-sed -n -e "s/^alldll[fi][un][nl]  *\**\(.*\)_dll.*/    \1/p" _expdef.tmp > _expdef1.tmp
-sed -n -e "s/^alldll[vfa][apr][rtr]  *\**\(.*\)_dll.*/    \1 DATA/p" _expdef.tmp >> _expdef1.tmp
+sed -n -e "s/^ *alldll[fi][un][nl]  *\**\(.*\)_dll.*/    \1/p" _expdef.tmp > _expdef1.tmp
+sed -n -e "s/^ *alldll[vfa][apr][rtr]  *\**\(.*\)_dll.*/    \1 DATA/p" _expdef.tmp >> _expdef1.tmp
 sort _expdef1.tmp > _expdef2.tmp
 sed -e "p" -e "=" -e "d" _expdef2.tmp > _expdef3.tmp
 sed -e "N" -e "s/\n/ @/" -e "s/DATA \(.*\)/\1 DATA/" _expdef3.tmp >> _all.def

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