Re: [AD] Modified color.c and mixer.c

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On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 06:44:04PM -0000, Ben Davis wrote:
> 3. The number of voices reserved does not affect the volume of each
> individual voice. Voices are now at the volume they would have been for 8
> voices in the old version. *** NOTE: If anyone has a good reason why this
> should not be the case, SPEAK NOW! ***

I think Shawn doesn't like this.  Maybe it would be best to
instead offer an over-amplification option, which essentially
does what this does.  Setting it to 1 means that no voices are
over-amplified (so you never get overflow) while setting it to
higher values gives louder sound at the risk of overflowing.

In fact, maybe we should use the existing mixer volume setting
functions, but make them support over-amplification by using
higher values than the maximum.

What happens if we do overflow?  I'd imagine it wraps at the
moment, which is nasty.  Whatever we do, there would be an
artifact, but maybe clamping would sound better (or less bad).
We can't implement that if it's slow though.

> Slight problem: I don't seem to be able to obtain a version of DIFF.EXE for
> DOS. If anyone can direct me to a website where I can get one, I will make
> patch files myself - otherwise, is it all right if I post the entire files
> somewhere? Where?

One comes with djgpp, in the dif* package.  I have, but that's very old and probably out of date by


Random project update:
22/06/2000: AllegroGL alpha 8 released at
        Improved Windows support.  New directory structure.
        Fixed OpenGL coding mistake in `tex.c'.

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