[AD] International keyboards problem with X

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Sorry for the forwarding of the message but I was rejected twice :
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Hope this one will pass...

> The problem exists at least with XFree 4.x
> (tested with 4.0 and 4.01).
> The problem : with a french keyboard like mine, the keys "1" and "2" are
> not recognised at all. I mean pressing it does NOT generate any
> scancode. A few other keys might have the same problem but these 2 are
> already very annoying.
> More description : I had a look at the sources, and the problem seems to
> come from the fact than X does not only change its ascii codes for
> international keybooards, it directly changes the scancodes !!!
> This way, allegro gets lost, and can not convert X scancodes to Allegro
> scan codes.
> I did not find any easy way to fix this. You can fix it if you want only
> the ascii codes, but I do not see any way to get allegro scan codes. The
> problem of course exists only with international keyboards. Putting my
> keyboard in us mode solves the problem, but it is not a good solution,
> of course.
> I tried this with allegro-3.9.33 and cvs from last week-end.
> You can have a demonstration of the problem with any allegro program
> under X.

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