Re: [AD] cleaning up....

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> Maybe it would be a good idea to sort of unify all the windowed modes
> (win, X and BeOS) so we could reuse the same code for color conversion,
> not having three version of the same thing. This way, all these modes
> would behave the same (or very close)

It would be cool, but it's a hard task. Currently X and BeOS windowed drivers 
are a bit different, expecially in the updating method. The color conversion 
routines are almost the same (Be version was done by modifying X one a 
little), but not equal. Using the same base set of routines could simplify 
porting to other windowed platform, but this could require a general rewrite 
of both X and Be drivers... I'll see what I can do, as this interests me. 
Anyway the common interface could just include color conversion; as I said 
window updating is OS dipendent.

Angelo Mottola
ICQ UIN 66972680

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