Re: [AD] First try to change GFX_SAFE fb behaviour.

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On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 10:26:17PM +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> All in all, it's wonderfull to use vesa fb and have most Allegro programs
> working (partially).

I think it would be good for GFX_SAFE to do that when it can't
change the video mode, yes.  I don't know about when it can.

> Contras:
> - It renders _all_ written code unusable: most, if not all programs, 
>   expect the screen to be at 8 bpp, which makes most programs show bad  
>   colours, nothing at all (ie. everything shifted towards dark blue), etc.
>   Allegro's GUI functions are first to bail out.
> That's the only contra I've found, but there's a way to avoid it without
> breaking old code (although I would _love_ to break it).

It shouldn't be a contra.  Make sure when GFX_SAFE gets set you
query back the current colour depth and image format, then set
Allegro's shifts correctly.  Then everything ought to work fine.


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