Re: [AD] First try to change GFX_SAFE fb behaviour.

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Please, somebody tell me if you want/will reject this change, or let me
> continue it. When I posted this question long ago, I didn't recieve any
> feedback :(

Can't the behavior you are looking for be emulated by writing
`set_color_depth(desktop_color_depth())'? If this is possible, then I
think it would give the programmer a bit more control: If his program
really requires a specific color depth, then he can force
`set_gfx_mode()' to use that; otherwise he can let it pick the desktop's
color depth since that is guaranteed to success.

Another (more intuitive?) approach could be to add the function:

   set_gfx_mode_ex(card, w, h, virtual_w, virtual_h, bpp)

where bpp is the color depth and the other parameters are as usual. Each
parameter can be either zero or a specific value; zero meaning "don't
care". If you really don't care about either the resolution or the color
depth, then you can pass zero for all parameters; if you need a specific
color depth but don't care about the resolution, then pass zero for
everything but bpp; etc.

Perhaps yet another way of doing this could be not to add any new
functions, but instead make `set_gfx_mode()' and `set_color_depth()'
able to handle 0 as the size/bpp of the screen.

Note that these are just ideas I'm trying. I don't know if they're good
or bad yet.


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