Re: [AD] DGA1 vs. DGA2

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> Not to be an armchair architect, but are you sure it's worth keeping the 
> DGA1 driver around at all? DGA1 is, imo, rather buggy (fullscreen 
> modesetting never works quite correctly for me) and won't be widely used 
> once XF4 becomes widely accepted. Those still using XF3.x can always use the 
> standard X driver..

IMHO you're wrong. X 3.3.x is still widely used, and there will always be some
old PC featuring it; what's bad with having the DGA 1 driver in Allegro then?
It's a small portion of the Allegro code, so removing it won't benefit the lib
size. And having it can benefit the current and future users of XF 3.3.x,
also because the X driver will always be slower than it... So where's the point
in removing the DGA 1 driver?
It's like if we're going to remove the VGA for DOS Allegro... One could be
tempted to say "who cares? DOS is dead, so that driver is useless to Allegro".
But there are still a lot of DOS users around, so that driver is still useful.

Just my 2 cents

Angelo Mottola

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