[AD] allegro._tx updated...

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...to mention the selectable refresh rate support of DGA 2.0.
Please apply this patch when you have the time. Thanks!

Angelo Mottola
--- /usr/src/allegro_CVS/allegro.current/docs/allegro._tx	Wed Oct  4 14:33:53 2000
+++ allegro._tx	Mon Oct  2 13:03:48 2000
@@ -1710,9 +1710,10 @@
    all, and even when they can, not all rates will be possible on all 
    hardware, so the actual settings may differ from what you requested. 
    After you call set_gfx_mode(), you can use get_refresh_rate() to find out 
-   what was actually selected. At the moment only the DOS VESA 3.0 driver 
-   supports this function. The speed is specified in Hz, eg. 60, 70. To 
-   return to the normal default selection, pass a rate value of zero.
+   what was actually selected. At the moment only the DOS VESA 3.0 and X
+   DGA 2.0 drivers supports this function. The speed is specified in Hz,
+   eg. 60, 70. To return to the normal default selection, pass a rate value
+   of zero.
 @@int @get_refresh_rate(void);
 @xref request_refresh_rate

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