[AD] Forgot some things... |
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While coding the level editor for my upcoming game, I noticed a few problems
with the GUI:
1) when using centre_dialog() on a DIALOG that has the d_ctext_proc() object,
the resulting dialog is not centered on the screen as it should be. This is due
to the fact that the x parameter of d_ctext_proc() is the center of string to
print, but the centre_dialog() doesn't know about it, and interprets it as any
other object, thus the final "centered" dialog ends up shifted on the left.
This could be solved hacking the centre_dialog procedure to recognize
procedures like d_ctext_proc and to act accordingly, but I don't know if it
should be solved this (ugly) way...
2) When you use do_menu() and your menu is placed near the right/bottom of the
screen, if you click on an item that brings up a child menu it is likely that
the new menu will overlap with the old one. That is good, but if the mouse was
laying in a portion of the screen occupied by both menus when you opened the
submenu, it is likely that you automatically select an option of the new menu.
What I mean is that the GUI system should wait until the mouse button is
released before opening a new submenu, otherwise things like this happen.
Angelo Mottola
ICQ #66972680