Re: [AD] DGA2 bug?

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> I just compiled CVS allegro last night and I can only get
> DGA2 to work if the old DGA driver is disabled.
> (ie: ./configure --with-xwin-dga=no...)
> 'allegro_error' says: 'DGA 1 is required.'
> I am running Xfree86 4.0.1 with Nvidia's
> drivers for my TNT2.


This error is generated from the DGA 1 driver itself; this means you're trying
to initialize it, and not the new DGA 2 one...
I assume configure detected and compiled the DGA 2 driver successfully, as
you're saying it runs if manually selected.
The autodetection is set to scan first DGA 2 and then DGA 1, so what happens
to you it's strange.
Have you tried running the Allegro test program? Try selecting DGA 2.0 as the
driver, and not autodetect, then see if it initializes.
Another thing: maybe in your allegro.cfg you've previously set the gfx_card to
XDGA or XDFS, and this may cause the GFX_AUTODETECT to try running that driver
instead of DGA 2, giving you the error.
Let me know!

Angelo Mottola

P.S.: I have the same system as yours! =)

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