[AD] New readme.mgw

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A LOT of people (including me) have needed help to use mingw with
allegro, the current readme.mgw is too ambiguous, I have rewritten it to
eliminate all the problems people had on #allegro (about 6 people!). I
also think these files should be called readmgw.txt etc as they don't
look like text documents in Windows. I tried all my steps out to make
sure they worked, but with crt mingw, not msvcrt as that is what I had.
Can this be included please?

BTW, there is a note for Win2000, but this can probably be removed by
correcting the makefile...

Also, noone has got the FASTDLL to work :P

Attachment: readme.mgw
Description: application/unknown-content-type-mgw_auto_file

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