[AD] New directsound driver

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This is an additional directsound driver which uses allegro mixer to fix
a lot of problems (mainly with JGMod). I suggest it is not used as the
default, but should be selectable via the setup prog or other means.

It is written by me, so be warned there may be bugs...
At the moment I think it will only work as a replacement for wdsound.c
as I don't understand the _get_digi_driver_list hook. This may have to
be fiddled with. The names are different to wdsound.c (drivers are
prefixed with 'Allegro ') but the IDs are identical.
I am using timeSetEvent to add the callback as install_int didn't work,
if there is a better way, please change it.

Attachment: wdsndmix.c
Description: application/unknown-content-type-c_auto_file

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