[AD] New directsound driver |
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allegro/src/win/wdsndmix.c This is an additional directsound driver which uses allegro mixer to fix a lot of problems (mainly with JGMod). I suggest it is not used as the default, but should be selectable via the setup prog or other means. Gotchas: It is written by me, so be warned there may be bugs... At the moment I think it will only work as a replacement for wdsound.c as I don't understand the _get_digi_driver_list hook. This may have to be fiddled with. The names are different to wdsound.c (drivers are prefixed with 'Allegro ') but the IDs are identical. I am using timeSetEvent to add the callback as install_int didn't work, if there is a better way, please change it.
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