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> In any case, it's
> relatively trivial to support the numpad arrows through the key
> array, using this sort of condition:
>     (key[KEY_LEFT] || (key[KEY_4_PAD] && key_shifts & 

If it would be used in all cases, why not support it under Allegro, and
save the programmer time?

> As for readkey, the only effect of numlock should be that with
> numlock off the ASCII code of numpad keypresses should be set to
> the current shift state (as with other non-ASCII keys), and with
> numlock on it should be set to the ASCII code of the number key.

Without changing the scancode, would that not confuse programs, as they
would get the ASCII code of something other than anything remotely close
to the actual key pressed?

> I'd suggest that the numpad keys for `/', `*', `-', and `+' and
> the numpad Enter key should return their normal ASCII codes if
> the shift state is zero.

The scancodes/ASCII codes for '/*-+' and 'enter' don't change regardless
of the state of num lock.

> > even using that test program.
> I think the important thing was to try holding a numpad key,
> then pressing numlock, then releasing the key -- it should
> register the same key as being pressed and released.

Yes, it did work as intended in those regards.

Should this discussion be continued on AD, or moved to AL, or ...?

Have a great day!
Stephen Kittelson

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